Our Plans for a better future…

Last spring, several members of the Black Ankle vineyard crew approached owners, Sarah O’Herron and Ed Boyce, with an idea that they have been working on, and asked if Black Ankle would be interested in being a part of their plan. Their small town in central Mexico has historically been a quiet place, removed from much of the chaos that has engulfed other parts of the country, but in recent years they have seen increasing pressure from gangs and drugs that have caused so much havoc elsewhere. In addition, they recognized that the lack of fun, safe places for youth and families to gather, play, and exercise only added to the risk for local children and teens.

Our recently completed phase one fútbol field!

Since this is a group of guys that are all about making things happen, they decided to do something about the problem. They had the idea to create a sports, recreation and community center that would fill that void and help keep the youth of their town out of potential trouble and directed towards healthy, positive pursuits and opportunities. With this idea in mind, Project Rescate was born.

With fútbol (soccer) being a shared love for many of these guys, step one was to build an outdoor soccer facility (which has been completed!) and then slowly add covered sports areas and gathering places. The Rescate team secured a location in the center of their town, worked with a local architect to design the complex, and pledged their own money and labor to make the project happen. They are dedicated to seeing it through one way or another, however, the more financial support they have the sooner they can have the project under way!

This important initiative will make a lasting impact on the lives of people we care deeply about. Our crew helps to provide the foundation of everything we do at Black Ankle, and we want to help them provide a strong foundation for the people in their community.